#!/usr/bin/env clojure ;; Fermats' Christmas Theorem: Principled Windmills ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Here's a bunch of code to make svg files of arrangements of coloured squares. ;; I'm using this to draw the windmills. ;; It's safe to ignore this if you're not interested in how to create such svg files. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require 'clojure.xml) (def squaresize 10) (defn make-svg-rect [i j colour] {:tag :rect :attrs {:x (str (* i squaresize)) :y (str (* j squaresize)) :width (str squaresize) :height (str squaresize) :style (str "fill:", colour, ";stroke:black;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1")}}) (defn adjust-list [rectlist] (if (empty? rectlist) rectlist (let [hmin (apply min (map first rectlist)) vmax (apply max (map second rectlist))] (for [[a b c] rectlist] [(- a hmin) (- vmax b) c])))) (defn make-svg [objects] {:tag :svg :attrs { :version "1.1" :xmlns "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"} :content (for [[i j c] (adjust-list objects)] (make-svg-rect i j c))}) (defn svg-file-from-rectlist [filename objects] (spit (str filename ".svg") (with-out-str (clojure.xml/emit (make-svg objects))))) (defn hjoin ([sql1 sql2] (hjoin sql1 sql2 1)) ([sql1 sql2 sep] (cond (empty? sql1) sql2 (empty? sql2) sql1 :else (let [xmax1 (apply max (map first sql1)) xmin2 (apply min (map first sql2)) shift (+ 1 sep (- xmax1 xmin2))] (concat sql1 (for [[h v c] sql2] [(+ shift h) v c])))))) (defn hcombine [& sqllist] (reduce hjoin '() sqllist)) (defn svg-file [filename & objects] (svg-file-from-rectlist filename (apply hcombine objects))) (defn orange [n] (if (< n 0) (range 0 n -1) (range 0 n 1))) (defn make-composite-rectangle [h v hsquares vsquares colour] (for [i (orange hsquares) j (orange vsquares)] [(+ i h) (+ j v) colour])) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; end of drawing code ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Let's do another example in a more principled way ;; We'll think in terms of triples [s, p, n] ;; Where s is the size of the red square, p (parallel) is the width of the arms , and n (normal) is ;; the length of the arms. ;; Here's a function to draw the windmill that represents such a triple (defn make-windmill [[s p n]] (let [ s2 (quot s 2) is2 (inc s2) ds2 (- is2)] (concat (make-composite-rectangle (- s2) (- s2) s s "red") (make-composite-rectangle (- s2) is2 p n "white") (make-composite-rectangle s2 ds2 (- p) (- n) "white") (make-composite-rectangle ds2 (- s2) (- n) p "green") (make-composite-rectangle is2 s2 n (- p) "green")))) (make-windmill [1 1 1]) ; ([0 0 "red"] [0 1 "white"] [0 -1 "white"] [-1 0 "green"] [1 0 "green"]) (svg-file "windmill" (make-windmill [1 1 1])) ;; As we do our windmill transformations s*s + 4 * p * n should always stay the same (defn total [[s p n]] (+ (* s s) (* 4 p n))) (total [1 1 1]) ; 5 ;; So with this new way of representing things: ;; Consider 37 = 4 * 9 + 1 ;; Our first triple will be [1 1 9] (total [1 1 9]) ; 37 ;; And its windmill looks like: (svg-file "windmill-37-1" (make-windmill [1 1 9]))
;; We can't change the size of the red square here, so the other thing we can do is to rotate the arms ;; In terms of triples, [1 1 9] -> [1 9 1] (total [1 9 1]) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill-37-2" (make-windmill [1 9 1])) ;; Now we can change the size of the red square, it can increase to three, and that means that we have to shorten the arms by two ;; [1 9 1] -> [3 1 7] (total [3 1 7]) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill-37-3" (make-windmill [3 1 7])) ;; Note that this also changes the colour of the arms, but that doesn't matter, the only reason the ;; arms are two different colours is to make it easier to see what's going on. If it bothers you ;; just go and change white to green in the windmill code! ;; From [3 1 7] the only change we can make to the size of the red square is to put it back to one ;; So instead, we'll swap the arms again ;; [3 1 7] -> [3 7 1] (total [3 7 1]) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill-37-4" (make-windmill [3 7 1])) ;; Now, swapping the arms just moves us back a step, but we can increase the size of the red square to five ;; and shorten the arms by two ;; [3 7 1] -> [5 1 3] (total [5 1 3]) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill-37-5" (make-windmill [5 1 3])) ;; Again, the only way to change the size of the red square is to put it back, so let's rotate arms ;; I'm going to call changing the size of the red square the red transformation ;; and rotating the arms the green transformation ;; The green transformation is easy to express in terms of triples (defn green [[s p n]] [s n p]) (green [5 1 3]) ; [5 3 1] (total [5 3 1]) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill-37-6" (make-windmill [5 3 1])) ;; Now, the green transformation just puts us back a step, and it looks like we can't increase the size ;; of the red square, so are we stuck? ;; No! If you stare at the diagram for long enough, you'll see that we can *reduce* the size of the ;; red square instead of increasing it, growing the arms inward until the red shape is square again. ;; And in fact that's our only possible move. ;; [5 3 1] -> [1 3 3] (svg-file "windmill-37-7" (make-windmill [1 3 3])) ;; It's kind of annoying that this flips the shape! But it's obviously still the same total number ;; of squares, so just like with the colour flip I'm going to ignore that for now rather than ;; introduce unnecessary complexity to the drawing code ;; I'm going to call both reducing and increasing the size of the red square a "red transformation", ;; and the red transformation is going to need a parameter to say how much to change the size of the ;; square ;; Let's say, as above, that we want to shift the boundaries of the big red square in by two small unit squares ;; so say delta = -2 ;; that means that the new red square is size one, five less two squares on either edge ;; that means that the red square has changed from size twenty-five to size one ;; that leaves twenty-four spare squares, to be distributed between the four arms ;; which is six spare squares per arm ;; since we're just moving the boundary of the square, or alternatively extending the arms into the ;; square, that doesn't change p, the width of the arm parallel to the square ;; so we add the six squares in rows of p. ;; in our example above, p is three, so those six squares result in the arms lengthening by two ;; In code (defn red [[s p n] delta] (let [news (+ s (* 2 delta)) spare (- ( * s s ) (* news news)) sparesperarm (/ spare 4) lengthchange (/ sparesperarm p)] [news (+ n lengthchange) p])) (total [5 3 1]) ; 37 (red [5 3 1] -2) ; [1 3 3] (total (red [5 3 1] -2)) ; 37 (svg-file "windmill" (make-windmill [5 3 1 ])) ; nil (svg-file "windmill" (make-windmill (red [5 3 1] -2))) ; nil (svg-file "windmill-37-7" (make-windmill [1 3 3]))
;; Now we have a real problem. The only red transformation we can make is to go back a step, but ;; the green transformation does nothing useful here: (green [1 3 3]) ; [1 3 3] ;; But every problem is an opportunity, as they say: ;; We can split up the rectangle (svg-file "windmill-37-split" (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 1 1 "red") (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 3 3 "green") (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 3 3 "green") (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 3 3 "white") (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 3 3 "white")) (svg-file "windmill-37-recombine" (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 1 1 "red") (concat (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 3 3 "green") (make-composite-rectangle 3 3 3 3 "green") (make-composite-rectangle 0 3 3 3 "white") (make-composite-rectangle 3 0 3 3 "white"))) ;; The green transformation fails if and only if the arms are squares, and if the arms are squares, we can ;; combine them to form one big even square (svg-file "windmill-37-final" (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 1 1 "red") (concat (make-composite-rectangle 0 0 6 6 "green"))) ;; So 37 = 1*1 + 6*6 ;; Which is what we're trying to show, thirty-seven is the sum of one odd and one even square
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