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Monday, May 12, 2014

Planes in Space : Checking by Hand

;; Ok, so I reckon:

(defn regions [n m]
  (cond (= n 1) (list m (inc m))
        (= m 0) (concat (repeat n 0) '(1))
        :else (map + 
                   (regions n (dec m))
                   (concat '(0) (regions (dec n) (dec m))) 
                   (concat (regions (dec n) (dec m)) '(0)))))

;; In fact, I reckon that I can prove it. 

;; It's quite easy to prove something that isn't true. Usually when
;; you run across a counterexample, that shows you where the
;; unsuspected false step in your reasoning was.

;; So I'd like to verify the formula on lots of examples.

;; But how?

;; These I can count in my head.

(regions 3 0) ;-> (0 0 0 1) ; just space, no planes
(regions 3 1) ;-> (0 0 1 2) ; a plane cuts space in half
(regions 3 2) ;-> (0 1 4 4) ; two planes intersect in one line, cutting space into four
(regions 3 3) ;-> (1 6 12 8) ; 1 point where three planes meet, 
                             ; six coordinate half-axes, 
                             ; three coordinate planes divided into four quadrants each,
                             ; and eight octants

;; I am sort of confident that four planes make fifteen regions and intersect in four points.
(regions 3 4) ;-> (4 18 28 15)
;; But every attempt to count the 18 lines and 28 regions I make ends up relying on 
;; the sort of arguments I made to make the recursion in the first place.

;; And at this point my intuition breaks.
(regions 3 5) ;-> (10 40 55 26)

;; I mean, five planes, any three intersect in a point,
;; 10 ways to choose 3 planes from five, so 10 points,
;; but after that I'm dead.

;; And this? Six choose 3 is 20, I can see that....
(regions 3 6) ;-> (20 75 96 42)

;; And I defy anyone to even picture
(regions 5 8) ;-> (56 350 896 1176 792 219)

;; 8 choose 5 is (/ (* 8 7 6) (* 1 2 3)) = 56, which is fair enough.

;; 8 choose 4 is (/ (* 8 7 6 5) (* 1 2 3 4)) is 70

;; If we take any 4 hyperplanes from our 8, they'll define a line.
;; The four remaining hyperplanes then divide each line like:
(regions 1 4) ;-> (4 5)
;; So if each of those lines is sliced into 5 pieces then that's our 350.
;; But I'm just using the same recursive argument again.

;; So I don't even know if that's evidence or not.

;; One nice thing about it, the formula has an alternating sum property, 
;; like the Euler index.

(defn signature [lst]
  (reduce + 
          (map * 
               (apply concat (repeat '(+1 -1))) 
               (reverse lst))))

(signature (regions 5 8)) ;-> 1

(def regions (memoize regions))
(regions 7 23) ;-> (245157 1817046 5787628 10271800 10973116 7057688 2531288 390656)
(signature (regions 7 23)) ;-> 1

(regions 23 20) ;-> (0 0 0 1 40 760 9120 77520 496128 2480640 9922560 32248320 85995520 189190144 343982080 515973120 635043840 635043840 508035072 317521920 149422080 49807360 10485760 1048576)
(signature (regions 23 20)) ;-> 1

;; But annoyingly, you can just read that property straight from the recursion!


  1. You've probably already seen this, but still...

  2. Indeed. In fact my friend Paul got that formula by doing the first four cases in his head and fitting a cubic, which is just cheap. And irritatingly clever at the same time. An exercise for the reader: show that my recurrence and that formula are the same. If indeed they are.

