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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Efficiency and Progress II : Behold, C

/* A guest language on this blog. A welcome, please, for C */

/* The reason that I am off on this particular one at the moment is
   because I recently waited 3 hours for a clojure program to
   terminate, after about a day trying to get it to run at all. */

/* When it became apparent that it was not going to finish any time
   soon, I hacked together an answer in C, using what should have been
   a less efficient algorithm that I had come up with while
   waiting. */

/* That program took about 15 minutes to write and 65 seconds to run,
   and got the correct answer. */

/* That comparison is entirely unfair to both clojure and C in all
   sorts of ways, but if I am going to spend time getting clojure to
   run at C-ish speeds, I need to know what I should be aiming for. */

/* This program is what I am using as a comparison for (reduce + (map + _ _ )) */

/* To make sure that clever compilers and runtimes aren't doing any
   sneaky dead-code elimination, it is actually doing some sort of
   computation. But it is mainly mapping and reducing. Lots.*/


#define N 1000000

int a[N];
int b[N];

int main(void)
  int i, count;
  long long sum=0;

  for (i=0; i< N; i++) {

  for(count=0; count<1000; count++){
    for (i=0; i< N; i++) {

    for (i=0; i< N; i++) {

  printf("sum=%lli\n", sum);

/* gcc -std=gnu99 -Ofast efficiencyandprogress.c -o efficiencyandprogress && time ./efficiencyandprogress */
/* sum=250249749750000000 */

/* real 0m16.053s */
/* user 0m15.992s */
/* sys  0m0.032s */

/* So it looks as though adding one array to another and then adding up all the values in an array takes about 16ms in total.*/
/* That's 16ns per array entry which looks sort of OK on my little netbook, which boast an Intel Atom CPU N455 running at 1.66GHz with a 512kb*/

/* I'm hoping there's enough complexity here that the compiler actually has to run the program rather than taking short cuts*/

/* But just as a check, here's the code running with gcc in 'do exactly what I say so I can debug it' mode.*/

/* gcc -std=gnu99 -O0 efficiencyandprogress.c -o efficiencyandprogress && time ./efficiencyandprogress */
/* sum=250249749750000000 */

/* real 0m27.850s */
/* user 0m27.692s */
/* sys  0m0.060s */

/* This produces a small constant factor speedup, as expected if the two versions are doing the same work. */


  1. Thx again for your most interesting blog posts !

    You might find it interesting to compile your C code with «gcc -S speed.c -O4 -o speed.S -march=native -ftree-vectorize -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=2 --verbose-asm» and look at the .S file.
    I'd be quite surprised if the JIT could leverage the vector instructions like gcc does, unfortunately.



    1. Cool! Thanks Bernand, I didn't know you could do that. That doubles the speed again.
      My gcc doesn't have an O4, but does seem to have an Ofast. At any rate, the march=native is the trick.

      gcc -std=gnu99 efficiencyandprogress.c -Ofast -march=native -o efficiencyandprogress && time ./efficiencyandprogress

      real 0m8.606s
      user 0m8.572s
      sys 0m0.024s

  2. Even faster to recognize that this is an arithmetic series.
    The first term is: 999999*500000 (the sum of the numbers from 0 to 1000000 - it is just another arithmetic series)
    The last term is: 1000 * 999999*500000
    The number of terms: 1000
    So the sum is: 1000 * 1001 * 999999*500000 / 2 = 250249749750000000

  3. "the sum of the numbers from 0 to 1000000" -> it is from 0 to 999999 of course

  4. And if it is just about compiler microbenchmarks, this small haskell program runs in 0.4s in my machine:
    main = print $ sum $ take 1001 [0,sum [0..999999]..]

    I made a version more similar to the C one, and it runs the same speed (0.3-0.4s):
    main = print $ sum $ take 1000 $ zipWith (*) [1..] (repeat (sum [0..999999]))

    With -O0 it is 1.3s

  5. I've managed to reach 140s running time with this code, this one finally forces the program to really make the 1000000 long iteration O(1000) times:
    main = print $ sum $ take 1000 $ map sum $ zipWith (\x y -> map (*x) y) [1..] (repeat [0..999999])

  6. This runs in 0.3 sec on my pc:

    #define N 1000000

    int b[N];

    int main(void)
    unsigned int i, count;
    long long sum=0;

    for(count=0; count<1000; count++){
    for (i=0; i< N; i++) {


    printf("sum=%lli\n", sum);

    time ./fast

    real 0m0.360s
    user 0m0.360s
    sys 0m0.000s

    the version with multiple loops is slower, i think because of cache effects

