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Monday, February 25, 2013

Clojure's Reader is Unsafe

;; Clojure's Reader is Unsafe

;; dependencies:
;; [org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
;; [org.clojure/tools.reader "0.7.0"]

;; By a weird coincidence this week I wanted to read a file of data
;; coming from a web app, and I was about to use Clojure's reader to
;; do it. I remembered that there was some variable that I needed to
;; bind to stop it executing arbitrary code, so I went googling.

;; And found that there's been a fair bit of debate on just this topic recently.

;; Essentially, Clojure's reader is the thing that turns strings into
;; data structures when you're reading in a program or typing at the
;; REPL. And you have it available programmatically.

(read-string "(+ 1 2)") ; (+ 1 2)

;; Not so impressive, you say?

;; Consider:

(first "(+ 1 2)") ; \(
(second "(+ 1 2)") ; \+
(count "(+ 1 2)") ; 7
(type "(+ 1 2)") ; java.lang.String
(type (first "(+ 1 2)")) ; java.lang.Character

;; "(+ 1 2)" is a String, a flat data structure of seven Characters

(first (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ; + 
(second (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ; 1
(count (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ; 3 
(type  (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ; clojure.lang.PersistentList
(type (first (read-string "(+ 1 2)"))) ; clojure.lang.Symbol

;; Clearly some sort of sea-change has occurred.

;; Even better, the value of a string is a similar string
(eval "(+ 1 2)") ; "(+ 1 2)"
(identical? (eval "(+ 1 2)") "(+ 1 2)") ; true
;; But the thing that read-string makes is a program which can run
(eval (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ; 3
;; Another way to make such a program is:
(eval (list (quote +) (quote 1) (quote 2))) ; 3

;; In my innocence, I was going to use this magic to read some data out of a file that had been produced
;; by a web server.

(def file "{:username leethaxor :score 5 :alignment :chaotic-evil}")

(:username (read-string file)) ;-> leethaxor


;; There are various reasons why:

;; Firstly, note that programs running on a computer can affect that computer

;; If you happen to have a file called precious.txt in the directory
;; where clojure is running, then you are strongly advised not to
;; execute any of the following code. Especially if it contains your
;; first novel and you haven't got round to backing up yet this year.

( "touch" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}
( "cat" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}

;; Secondly, note that there is special syntax to cause things to happen while
;; reading: 

(read-string "    #=( \"rm\" \"precious.txt\")    ") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}

;; That did not get turned into a data structure. That got executed. precious.txt is gone.

( "cat" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 1, :out "", :err "cat: precious.txt: No such file or directory\n"}

;; Luckily we can rebuild it:
( "touch" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}

( "cat" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}

;; And thirdly note that not everyone on the internet is on your side:
(def file-of-evil " {:username #=( \"rm\" \"precious.txt\") :score 5 :alignment :chaotic-evil}")

(read-string file-of-evil) ;-> {:username {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}, :score 5, :alignment :chaotic-evil}

;; This is a thing that you're supposed to guard against when reading data structures.

( "touch" "precious.txt") ;-> {:exit 0, :out "", :err ""}

;; It is traditional to do that like this:

(binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string "(+ 1 2)")) ;-> (+ 1 2)
(binding [*read-eval* false] (read-string file-of-evil))
; -> RuntimeException EvalReader not allowed when *read-eval* is false.  clojure.lang.Util.runtimeException (

;; And in my innocence, I was about to actually do this, which would have been a mistake:

(def string-of-evil "[\"precious.txt\"]")

(spit "precious.txt" "precious content") ;-> nil
(slurp "precious.txt") ;-> "precious content"
(binding [*read-eval* false] (clojure.core/read-string string-of-evil)) ;-> #<FileWriter>
(slurp "precious.txt") ;-> ""

;; bugger

;; It turns out that even with *read-eval* bound to false, the Clojure
;; reader can be persuaded to execute arbitrary java constructors, and
;; some of those have side-effects.

;; I believe that that particular loophole is going to be fixed in the
;; next version of clojure, but the general thinking seems to be that
;; the reader is just intrinsically an unsafe thing and that you
;; shouldn't use it to read strings which you aren't sure are friendly.

;; Luckily, there is a library function that does what I thought the
;; reader would do, and that is apparently Absolutely Guaranteed by
;; Act of Parliament not to do bad things:

(require '

(spit "precious.txt" "precious content") ;-> nil
(slurp "precious.txt") ;-> "precious content"
( string-of-evil)
;; -> ExceptionInfo No reader function for tag  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4227)
( file-of-evil)
;; -> ExceptionInfo No reader function for tag =  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4227)

;; But which is still usable for the purposes of good:
( file) ;-> {:username leethaxor, :score 5, :alignment :chaotic-evil}
( "(+ 1 2)") ;-> (+ 1 2)
(eval ( "(+ 1 2)")) ; 3

(slurp "precious.txt") ;-> "precious content"

;; So that's Super News!

;; We've got a function, read-string, which can turn strings into data structures while doing no harm whatsoever,
;; and another function, read-string, which can turn strings into data structures while potentially causing arbitrary side effects depending on the content of the strings.

;; Clearly nothing could possibly go wrong with this arrangement,
;; especially since read-string will be fixed in clojure 1.5 so that
;; binding *read-eval* to false around it will make it safe, as far as
;; anyone knows, even though the advice is still never to use it to
;; read untrusted strings, for some reason.


  1. Thanks for the writeup. For other impatient people:

    tl;dr <-- good
    clojure.core/read-string <-- bad*

    * - see article

  2. Not at all news -- EDN exists, and is the Right Thing to use as a wire transport, for just this reason.

  3. tl;dr

    eval user code? crazy?

    read (i.e. parse) user-code? normally safe. but parse time expansion could hurt you also. so bind *read-eval* to nil.

    1. Reini,

      No, binding *read-eval* to nil is not good enough. There are still strings that can cause side-effects.

  4. ;; We've got a function, read-string, which can turn strings into data structures while doing no harm whatsoever,
    ;; and another function, read-string, which can turn strings into data structures while potentially causing arbitrary side effects depending on the content of the strings.

    Not quite. There is no -spoon- read-string. As you pointed out, there's: and

    The namespace is part of the function's "identity" if you will. I'm sure you're aware of this, but not all of your visitors from HN will be.

  5. This article is utterly linkbait.

    If you ever use eval on forms from an untrusted source, you are literally executing code from an untrusted source. *READ-EVAL* is a programmer's tool, not a security setting. The exact same case can be made for strcpy vs. strncpy, and the proper response is that, "These tools are for educated adults, and if you do not take it upon yourself to know how the environment works and how to use it responsibly, you will write lousy code." There is no way an environment can both provide powerful and useful dynamic code loading tools and make sure you never execute such code.

    This issue has existed in Lisp distributions for longer than most readers of this page have been programming.

    1. Aware that I'm replying to an old comment, but want to make it clear for other people: No. Obviously, if you use `eval` on user input, you are asking for trouble. But that is not what is at issue here. The article is talking about a problem that will occur *even when you only use `read`*. The function that, one would hope, only reads in symbols and data literals and sequences of these things -- that is, the function that you would expect to read in code-text as data -- can be persuaded to execute code with side-effects AT READ TIME if the person who wrote that text asks nicely (i.e. uses #=(...) or a java constructor with side effects). There is ANOTHER function that is designed to only read in 'code' as data, and won't execute anything. That IS legitimate to use in this case.

