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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ring: Using Sessions in a Web Application

My first attempt to actually use sessions has left me feeling very uncomfortable.

Does anyone know what I'm supposed to do instead?

;;  necessary dependencies
;; [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
;;  [ring/ring "1.1.6"]]
;; -------------

;; Here's an app, built in a way which should surprise no-one who's read the previous posts:

(require 'ring.adapter.jetty

(defn html-escape [string]
  (str "<pre>" (clojure.string/escape string {\< "&lt;", \> "&gt;"}) "</pre>"))

(defn format-request [name request kill-keys kill-headers]
  (let [r1 (reduce dissoc request kill-keys)
        r (reduce (fn [h n] (update-in h [:headers] dissoc n)) r1 kill-headers)]
    (println "-------------------------------")
    (println name)
    (println "-------------------------------")
    (clojure.pprint/pprint r)
    (println "-------------------------------"))))

(def kill-keys [:body :request-method :character-encoding :remote-addr :server-name :server-port :ssl-client-cert :scheme  :content-type  :content-length])
(def kill-headers ["user-agent" "accept" "accept-encoding" "accept-language" "accept-charset" "connection" "host"])

(defn wrap-spy [handler spyname]
  (fn [request]
    (let [incoming (format-request (str spyname ":\n Incoming Request:") request kill-keys kill-headers)]
      (println incoming)
      (let [response (handler request)]
        (let [outgoing (format-request (str spyname ":\n Outgoing Response Map:") response kill-keys kill-headers)]
          (println outgoing)
          (update-in response  [:body] (fn[x] (str (html-escape incoming) x  (html-escape outgoing)))))))))

(declare handler)

(def app
  (-> #'handler
      (wrap-spy "what the handler sees" )
      (ring.middleware.session/wrap-session )
      (wrap-spy "what the web server sees" )

(defn handler [request]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
   :body (let [s (request :session)]
           (if (empty? s) 
             (str "<h1>Hello World!</h1>" )
             (str "<h1>Your Session</h1><p>" s "</p>" )))
   :session "I am a session. Fear me."})

(defonce server (ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 8080 :join? false}))


;; Everything so far should be comprehensible.

;; Let's see if we can use the tools we have so far to build a little personality test

(defn status-response [code body]
  {:status code
   :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}
   :body body})

(def response (partial status-response 200))

(defn handler [request]
  (case (request :uri)
    "/" (response "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>What do you choose: <a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?")
    "/good" (response "<h1>good</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" )
    "/evil" (response "<h1>evil</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>")
    (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri request) "</h1>" ))))

;; So far so good. 

;; Ring has an implementation of 'flash messages', which allows one page to send a message to another.

;; We need to plumb it in:

(require 'ring.middleware.flash)

(def app
  (-> #'handler
      (wrap-spy "what the handler sees" )
      (wrap-spy "what the flash middleware sees" )      
      (ring.middleware.session/wrap-session )
      (wrap-spy "what the web server sees" )

(defn handler [request]
  (case (request :uri)
    "/" (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>"
                       (if-let [f (request :flash)]
                         (str "You last chose " (if (= f :evil) "evil" "good") ".<p> What do you choose now:")
                         "What do you choose:")
                       "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?"))
    "/good" (assoc (response "<h1>good</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :flash :good)
    "/evil" (assoc (response "<h1>evil</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :flash :evil)
    (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri request) "</h1>" ))))

;; This works fine in firefox, but the flash messages get lost in chrome because of its constant pestering
;; about favicon.ico. So we'd better make the flash messages persist in that case:

(defn handler [request]
  (case (request :uri)
    "/" (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>"
                       (if-let [f (request :flash)]
                         (str "You last chose " (if (= f :evil) "evil" "good") ".<p> What do you choose now:")
                         "What do you choose:")
                       "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?"))
    "/good" (assoc (response "<h1>good</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :flash :good)
    "/evil" (assoc (response "<h1>evil</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :flash :evil)
    "/favicon.ico" {:flash (request :flash)}
    (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri request) "</h1>" ))))

;; So far so good, but what if we want to keep scores for each user?

(defn home [request]
      [f         (request :flash)
       good   (get-in request [:session :good] 0)
       evil   (get-in request [:session :evil] 0)]
    (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>"
                   "Good " good " : Evil " evil "<p>"
                   (if f
                     (str "You last chose " (if (= f :evil) "evil" "good") ".<p> What do you choose now:")
                     "What do you choose: ")
                   "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?"))))

(defn good [request]
  (let [ good   (get-in request [:session :good] 0) ]   
    (assoc (response "<h1>good</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) 
      :flash :good 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :good (inc good)))))

(defn evil [request]
  (let [ evil   (get-in request [:session :evil] 0) ]   
    (assoc (response "<h1>evil</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) 
      :flash :evil 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :evil (inc evil)))))

(defn handler [request]
  (case (request :uri)
    "/" (home request)
    "/good" (good request)
    "/evil" (evil request)
    "/favicon.ico" {:flash (request :flash)}
    (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri request) "</h1>" ))))

;; Let's hide our workings and save the user from potential overclicking injuries

(require 'ring.util.response)

(defn good [request]
  (let [ good   (get-in request [:session :good] 0) ]   
    (assoc (ring.util.response/redirect "/")
      :flash :good 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :good (inc good)))))

(defn evil [request]
  (let [ evil   (get-in request [:session :evil] 0) ]   
    (assoc (ring.util.response/redirect "/")
      :flash :evil 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :evil (inc evil)))))

;; And then as a final flourish we'll keep total statistics as well

(def goodness (atom 0))
(def evilness (atom 0))

(defn good [request]
  (let [ good   (get-in request [:session :good] 0) ] 
    (swap! goodness inc)
    (assoc (ring.util.response/redirect "/")
      :flash :good 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :good (inc good)))))

(defn evil [request]
  (let [ evil   (get-in request [:session :evil] 0) ]  
    (swap! evilness inc)
    (assoc (ring.util.response/redirect "/")
      :flash :evil 
      :session (assoc (request :session) :evil (inc evil)))))

(defn home [request]
      [f         (request :flash)
       good   (get-in request [:session :good] 0)
       evil   (get-in request [:session :evil] 0)]
    (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>"
                   "Good " good " : Evil " evil "<p>"
                   (if f
                     (str "You last chose " (if (= f :evil) "evil" "good") ".<p> What do you choose now:")
                     "What do you choose: ")
                   "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?"
                   "<p> Global Good: " (deref goodness) " Evil: " (deref evilness)))))

;; This all seems to work. But for some reason it makes me deeply uncomfortable.

;; I suppose I shouldn't really be using get requests to modify state,
;; and none of my data is going to survive a server restart, but I
;; don't think that's it.

;; There just seems to be something overcomplicated and fragile about
;; this, even though I don't seem to be able to break it.

;; Can anyone find a way of exposing the problem more clearly, or suggest a better way?


  1. I am dealing with the same issue -- dealing with cookies or sessions takes us very far away from the functional cleaness of Clojure, and the whole thing seems fragile. Even in a small app of 200 lines of code, I find myself overwriting cookies and clobbering data that I wanted to keep.

  2. Doing coding all the days will make our my stressful and it will not work fine and doing Coding is very tough task that's why there must be some rest to do the work more effectively and efficiently.

