;; Bringing the session data back onto the server where we can play with it ;; necessary dependencies ;; [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"] ;; [ring/ring "1.1.7"]] ;; ------------- ;; Here's our moral maze app, reduced to its bare essentials, keeping ;; all its data in cookies on the user's browser: (require 'ring.adapter.jetty 'ring.middleware.stacktrace 'ring.middleware.session.cookie 'ring.middleware.session 'clojure.pprint) ;; middleware for spying on request maps (defn html-escape [string] (clojure.string/escape string {\< "<", \" """, \& "&", \> ">"})) (defn html-pre-escape [string] (str "<pre>" (html-escape string) "</pre>")) (defn format-request [name request kill-keys kill-headers] (let [r1 (reduce dissoc request kill-keys) r (reduce (fn [h n] (update-in h [:headers] dissoc n)) r1 kill-headers)] (with-out-str (println "-------------------------------") (println name) (println "-------------------------------") (clojure.pprint/pprint r) (println "-------------------------------")))) (def kill-keys [:body :request-method :character-encoding :remote-addr :server-name :server-port :ssl-client-cert :scheme :content-type :content-length]) (def kill-headers ["user-agent" "accept" "accept-encoding" "accept-language" "accept-charset" "connection" "host"]) (defn wrap-spy [handler spyname] (fn [request] (let [incoming (format-request (str spyname " (request):") request kill-keys kill-headers)] (println incoming) (let [response (handler request)] (let [outgoing (format-request (str spyname " (response):") response kill-keys kill-headers)] (println outgoing) (if (= (type (response :body)) java.lang.String) (update-in response [:body] (fn[x] (str (html-pre-escape incoming) x (html-pre-escape outgoing)))) response)))))) ;; response map makers (defn status-response [code body] {:status code :headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"} :body body}) (def response (partial status-response 200)) ;; functions for outputting strings as html without causing bad things to happen (defn hppp[x] (html-pre-escape (with-out-str (binding [clojure.pprint/*print-right-margin* 120] (clojure.pprint/pprint x))))) (defn hpp[x] (html-pre-escape (str x))) (defn hp[x] (html-escape (str x))) ;; plumbing (declare handler) (def app (-> #'handler (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace) (wrap-spy "handler" ) (ring.middleware.session/wrap-session {:store (ring.middleware.session.cookie/cookie-store {:key "a 16-byte secret"})}) ;(wrap-spy "what the server sees" ) (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace))) (defonce server (ring.adapter.jetty/run-jetty #'app {:port 8080 :join? false})) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Finally here is the app itself, reduced, I hope, to the absolute essentials (defn good [request] (assoc (response "<h1>good</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :session (update-in (request :session) [:good] (fnil inc 0)))) (defn evil [request] (assoc (response "<h1>evil</h1> <a href=\"/\">choose again</a>" ) :session (update-in (request :session) [:evil] (fnil inc 0)))) (defn home [request] (let [good (get-in request [:session :good] 0) evil (get-in request [:session :evil] 0)] (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>" "Good " good " : Evil " evil "<p> What do you choose: " "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?")))) (defn handler [request] (case (request :uri) "/" (home request) "/good" (good request) "/evil" (evil request) (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri request) "</h1>" )))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; I keep adding pages, and I get annoyed with having to copy and ;; paste the handler all the time, so thank you to Nikita Beloglazov ;; who told me how to write this replacement: (defmacro routefn [& addresses] `(fn[~'request] (case (~'request :uri) ~@(mapcat (fn[x] [(str "/" x) (list x 'request)]) addresses) "/" (home ~'request) (status-response 404 (str "<h1>404 Not Found: " (:uri ~'request) "</h1>" ))))) (def handler (routefn good evil)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; After a bit of worrying, I am very keen on this structure. ;; Consider how easy it is to test: We don't need to involve a real ;; webserver or real state at all, we can just test that the handlers ;; do what they're supposed to do when sent appropriate data: ;; Does a root page exist? ((handler {:uri "/"}) :status) ; -> 200 ;; Does looking at the evil page add an evil counter to your session? ((handler {:uri "/evil" :session {:mysesh 'yo}}) :session) ; -> {:evil 1, :mysesh yo} ;; We can define a function which passes a session through a url as if ;; it had been passed in from a browser, processed, and then sent back ;; to be stored in the browser: (defn sprocess [session uri] (let [ns (:session (handler{:uri uri :session session}))] (if (nil? ns) session ns))) ;; So here is what happens when a completely unknown browser asks for the home page (sprocess {} "/home") ;-> {} ;; And if it looks at the evil page: (sprocess {} "/evil") ;-> {:evil 1} ;; And if it looks at it again: (sprocess {:evil 1} "/evil") ;{:evil 2} ;; More concisely, we can change those two looks together (sprocess (sprocess {} "/evil") "/evil") ;-> {:evil 2} ;; And use the -> macro to make it more readable (-> {} (sprocess "/home") (sprocess "/good") (sprocess "/evil") (sprocess "/good")) ;-> {:evil 1, :good 2} ;; Modifying an accumulator using a sequence of things is a common pattern: (reduce sprocess {} ["/evil" "/evil" "/good" "/evil" ]) ;-> {:good 1, :evil 3} ;; So our tests for the moral maze website might look something like this: (use 'clojure.test) (deftest sitetest (testing "page status" (is (= (map (fn[x] ((handler {:uri x}) :status)) ["/" "/good" "/evil" ]) '(200 200 200))) (is (= (map (fn[x] ((handler {:uri x}) :status)) ["/home" "/favicon.ico" ]) '(404 404)))) (testing "html" (is (re-find #"Good\W*0\W:\WEvil\W0" ((handler {:uri "/"}) :body))) (is (re-find #"Good\W*10\W:\WEvil\W0" ((handler {:uri "/" :session {:good 10}}) :body))) (is (re-find #"Good\W*10\W:\WEvil\W20" ((handler {:uri "/" :session {:good 10 :evil 20}}) :body)))) (testing "session" (is (= 21 (((handler {:uri "/evil" :session {:good 10 :evil 20}}) :session) :evil))) (is (= 10 (((handler {:uri "/evil" :session {:good 10 :evil 20}}) :session) :good))) (is (= (reduce sprocess {:userid "fred" :good 2} ["/evil" "/good" "/" "/home" "/evil" "/favicon.ico" "/evil" "/evil"]) {:good 3, :evil 4, :userid "fred"})))) ;; They can be hand-run with: ;; (run-tests) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; A major advantage of this design is also a major problem with ;; it. All the data is stored in the user's browser in a cookie. ;; This means we can't do statistics on the data, because we don't ;; have it all available at once. ;; But it turns out to be quite easy to bring the data back onto the ;; server where we can see it, because we can use in-memory sessions ;; instead of cookie sessions, and we can also tell ring where to keep ;; them: (defonce db (atom {})) (def app (-> #'handler (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace) (wrap-spy "handler" ) (ring.middleware.session/wrap-session {:store (ring.middleware.session.memory/memory-store db)}) ;(wrap-spy "what the server sees" ) (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Let's make a page where we can see our data: (defn database [request] (response (str "<h1>Database</h1>" "<pre>" "(swap! db (fn[x] (merge x " (hppp @db) ")))" "</pre>"))) (def handler (routefn good evil database)) ;; Of course, now we've lost some of the advantages of the cookie ;; backed sessions. A server restart will kill all our data, and we ;; can't any longer run many servers in parallel. ;; I'm hoping that it might be possible to move this data into a ;; database at some point to cure these problems. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; But now that our data *is* on the server, we can do our statistics: (defn highscores [request] (let [score (fn[[k v]] (let [e (v :evil 0) g (v :good 0) r (if (zero? (+ e g)) 1/2 (/ e (+ e g)))] [ r k g e])) hst (sort (map score @db))] (response (str "<h1>High Score Table</h1>" "<table>" (str "<tr>""<th>" "User ID" "<th/>""<th>" "Chose Good" "<th/>""<th>" "Chose Evil" "<th/>" "</tr>") (apply str (for [i hst] (str "<tr>""<td>" (i 1) "<td/>""<td>" (i 2) "<td/>""<td>" (i 3) "<td/>" "</tr>"))) "</table>" )))) (def handler (routefn good evil database highscores)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The user ids are a bit distracting, so let's give our users the ;; chance to choose names of their own: ;; For this we'll need the parameter handling middleware (use 'ring.middleware.params) (def app (-> #'handler (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace) (wrap-spy "handler" ) (ring.middleware.params/wrap-params) (ring.middleware.session/wrap-session {:store (ring.middleware.session.memory/memory-store db)}) ;(wrap-spy "what the server sees" ) (ring.middleware.stacktrace/wrap-stacktrace))) (defn home [request] (let [good (get-in request [:session :good] 0) evil (get-in request [:session :evil] 0) name (get-in request [:session :name] "one who wishes anonymity")] (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>" "<p>Welcomes: <b>" name "</b>" " (<a href=\"/namechange\">change</a>)" "<p>Good " good " : Evil " evil "<p> What do you choose: " "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?" "<p><hr/><a href=\"/database\">database</a> or <a href=\"/highscores\">high scores</a>")))) (defn namechange [request] (response (str "<form name=\"form\" method=\"post\" action=\"/change-my-name\">" "<input name=\"newname\" value=\"" ((request :session) :name "type name here") "\">"))) (defn change-my-name [request] (let [newname ((request :params) "newname")] (assoc (response (str "ok " newname "<p><a href=\"/\">back</a>")) :session (assoc (request :session) :name newname)))) (def handler (routefn good evil database highscores namechange change-my-name)) ;; Now we can put the user's chosen names in the table instead (defn highscores [request] (let [score (fn[[k v]] (let [e (v :evil 0) g (v :good 0) n (v :name "anon") r (if (zero? (+ e g)) 1/2 (/ e (+ e g)))] [ r n g e k])) hst (sort (map score @db))] (response (str "<h1>High Score Table</h1>" "<table border=1 frame=box rules=rows>" (str "<tr>""<th>" "Name" "<th/>""<th>" "Chose Good" "<th/>""<th>" "Chose Evil" "<th/>" "</tr>") (apply str (for [i hst] (str "<tr>""<td>" (hp (i 1)) "<td/>""<td>" (hp (i 2)) "<td/>""<td>" (hp (i 3)) "<td/>" "</tr>"))) "</table>" )))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; One remaining problem that we have is that a user's identity is tied to his browser cookie. ;; If someone deletes their cookies, their account can never again be accessed. ;; If they use a different browser, then they will create a second independent account. ;; Well, this feels like a really nasty hack, but it's easy enough to ;; reassociate their browser with a different session: (defn change-my-identity [request] (let [newid ((request :params) "newidentity")] (if-let [newsessioncookie (ffirst (filter (fn[[k v]] (= (v :name) newid)) @db))] (assoc (response (str "if you say so...<i>" newid "</i><p><a href=\"/\">home</a>")) :cookies {"ring-session" {:value newsessioncookie}}) (response "<span style=\"color:red\"><b><i>I think not!</i></b></span>")))) (defn changeidentity [request] (response (str "<form name=\"form\" method=\"post\" action=\"/change-my-identity\">" "If you ain't " ((request :session) :name "dat geezer") " den who <i>are</i> you? :" "<input name=\"newidentity\" value=\"" ((request :session) :name "type name here") "\">"))) (defn home [request] (let [good (get-in request [:session :good] 0) evil (get-in request [:session :evil] 0) name (get-in request [:session :name] "one who wishes anonymity")] (response (str "<h1>The Moral Maze</h1>" "<p>Welcomes: <b>" name "</b>" " (<a href=\"/namechange\">change</a>)" "<p> (<a href=\"/changeidentity\">not " name "? log in as someone else.</a>)" "<p>Good " good " : Evil " evil "<p> What do you choose: " "<a href=\"/good\">good</a> or <a href=\"/evil\">evil</a>?" "<p><hr/><a href=\"/database\">database</a> or <a href=\"/highscores\">high scores</a>")))) (def handler (routefn good evil database highscores namechange change-my-identity change-my-name changeidentity)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Finally we need to protect the valuable data in our accounts with passwords ;; We change the name-change pages to ask for passwords too (defn change-my-name [request] (let [newname ((request :params) "newname") newpassword ((request :params) "password")] (if (and newname newpassword) (assoc (response (str "ok " newname "<p><a href=\"/\">back</a>")) :session (assoc (request :session) :name newname :password newpassword)) (response "fail")))) (defn namechange [request] (response (str "<form name=\"form\" method=\"post\" action=\"/change-my-name\">" "Name: <input name=\"newname\" value=\"" ((request :session) :name "type name here") "\">" "<p>Password: <input name=\"password\" value=\"" ((request :session) :password "f@ilz0r!") "\">" "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Click!\" />" "</form>"))) ;; And the identity-changing pages to check (defn changeidentity [request] (response (str "<form name=\"form\" method=\"post\" action=\"/change-my-identity\">" "If you ain't " ((request :session) :name "dat geezer") " den who <i>are</i> you? :<p>" "Name : <input name=\"newidentity\" value=\"" ((request :session) :name "type name here") "\">" "Password: <input name=\"password\" value=\"\">" "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Click!\" />" "</form>"))) (defn change-my-identity [request] (let [newid ((request :params) "newidentity") password ((request :params) "password")] (if-let [newsessioncookie (ffirst (filter (fn[[k v]] (and (= (v :name) newid) (= (v :password) password))) @db))] (assoc (response (str "if you say so...<i>" newid "</i><p><a href=\"/\">home</a>")) :cookies {"ring-session" {:value newsessioncookie}}) (response "<span style=\"color:red\"><b><i>I think not!</i></b></span>")))) ;; When playing with this, I found it useful to add a separate password page which only an administrator can see (defn passwords [request] (if ((request :session) :admin) (response (hppp (for [[ k {n :name p :password}] @db] [n p]))) (response "no way!"))) (def handler (routefn good evil highscores database passwords namechange change-my-name changeidentity change-my-identity)) ;; And an admin user who can see it (swap! db (fn[x] (merge { "no session" {:name "admin" :password "pa55word" :admin true }})))
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Ring: Bringing it All Back Home
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Thank you for this introduction - glad to see new stuff here!
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