;; A Very Gentle Introduction to Information Theory : Part III ;; Entropy and Huffman Coding ;; Once again, I'll keep some code from the first two parts, without explanation (defn random-stream [P] (let [pseq (vec (mapcat (fn[[k v]](repeat v k )) P))] (for [i (range)] (rand-nth pseq)))) (defn cost [encoder decoder message] (let [coded (encoder message)] (if (= (decoder coded) message) (count coded) :fail))) (defn decoder ([code-tree stream] (decoder code-tree code-tree stream)) ([current-code-tree code-tree stream] (lazy-seq (if (keyword? current-code-tree) (cons current-code-tree (decoder code-tree code-tree stream)) (if-let [stream (seq stream)] (if (= (first stream) 1) (decoder (first current-code-tree) code-tree (rest stream)) (decoder (second current-code-tree) code-tree (rest stream)))))))) (defn encoder [code stream] (mapcat code stream)) (defn make-encoder [code] (fn [s] (encoder code s))) (defn make-decoder [code-tree] (fn[s] (decoder code-tree s))) (defn combine-keywords [& a] (keyword (apply str (mapcat #(drop 1 (str %)) a)))) (defn split-keyword [a] (map #(keyword (str %)) (drop 1 (str a)))) (defn make-combination-encoder [code n] (fn [s] (encoder code (map #(apply combine-keywords %) (partition n s))))) (defn make-combination-decoder [code-tree] (fn [s] (mapcat split-keyword (decoder code-tree s)))) ;; So far we've looked at three probability distributions: (def fair-coin {:H 1 :T 1}) (def unfair-coin {:H 3 :T 1}) (def unfair-pairs {:HH 9, :HT 3, :TH 3, :TT 1}) ;; And two codes: (def fair-code-tree [:H :T]) (def fair-code {:H '(1) :T '(0)}) (def unfair-code-tree [ :HH [ :HT [ :TH :TT]]]) (def unfair-code {:HH '(1) :HT '(0 1) :TH '(0 0 1) :TT '(0 0 0)}) ;; We should add a fourth probability distribution to represent pairs of fair coin toss results (def fair-pairs {:HH 1 :HT 1 :TH 1 :TT 1}) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; We found that (defn estimate-cost [P encoder decoder] (let [n 100000 c (cost encoder decoder (take n (random-stream P)))] (if (number? c) (float (/ c n)) c))) ;; Using the best code we can think of for the fair coin resulted in a transmission cost of 1 (£/symbol) (estimate-cost fair-coin (make-encoder fair-code) (make-decoder fair-code-tree)) ; 1.0 ;; And that that was also the cost for the unfair coin with this code: (estimate-cost unfair-coin (make-encoder fair-code) (make-decoder fair-code-tree)) ; 1.0 ;; But that we could come up with a code for pairs of coin tosses ;; which did substantially better for pairs of unfair coin tosses (estimate-cost unfair-pairs (make-encoder unfair-code) (make-decoder unfair-code-tree)) ; 1.68338 ;; but substantially worse for pairs of fair coin tosses (estimate-cost fair-pairs (make-encoder unfair-code) (make-decoder unfair-code-tree)) ; 2.24722 ;; remember that that's the transmission cost per symbol, and that each symbol represents two coin tosses ;; In case you think there's any sleight of hand going on there, here's how we'd use the pairs code to transmit ;; the original unpaired streams (estimate-cost unfair-coin (make-combination-encoder unfair-code 2) (make-combination-decoder unfair-code-tree)) ; 0.84561 (estimate-cost fair-coin (make-combination-encoder unfair-code 2) (make-combination-decoder unfair-code-tree)) ; 1.12407 ;; Notice that the costs here are per-toss, showing that the unfair code is actually an improvement ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Now it seems that, if we can send the results of unfair-coin more efficiently ;; by considering {:HH 9, :HT 3, :TH 3, :TT 1}, the distribution of pairs of ;; tosses, then we should have a look at the distribution of triples, and work out a code for that: (defn combine-distributions ([P] P) ([P1 P2] (into {} (for [[s1 p1] P1 [s2 p2] P2] [(combine-keywords s1 s2) (* p1 p2)]))) ([P1 P2 & Plist] (reduce combine-distributions (cons P1 (cons P2 Plist))))) (def unfair-triples (combine-distributions unfair-coin unfair-coin unfair-coin)) ;; unfair-triples is {:HHH 27, :HHT 9, :HTH 9, :HTT 3, :THH 9, :THT 3, :TTH 3, :TTT 1} ;; Now how should we work out a code for this distribution? ;; Huffman tells us that we should combine the two lowest probability events ;; so that {:HHH 27, :HHT 9, :HTH 9, :HTT 3, :THH 9, :THT 3, :TTH 3, :TTT 1} ;; goes to {:HHH 27, :HHT 9, :HTH 9, :HTT 3, :THH 9, :THT 3, {:TTH 3, :TTT 1} 4} ;; and then do it again, so that {:HHH 27, :HHT 9, :HTH 9, :HTT 3, :THH 9, :THT 3, {:TTH 3, :TTT 1} 4} ;; goes to {:HHH 27, :HHT 9, :HTH 9, :HTT 3, :THH 9, {:THT 3, {:TTH 3, :TTT 1} 4} 7} ;; and so on ..... (defn huffman-combine [P] (let [plist (sort-by second P) newelement (into {} (take 2 plist))] (into {} (cons [newelement (reduce + (vals newelement))] (drop 2 plist))))) (nth (iterate huffman-combine unfair-triples) (dec (dec (count unfair-triples)))) ;; {{{:HHT 9, :HTH 9} 18, {:THH 9, {{:TTT 1, :HTT 3} 4, {:THT 3, :TTH 3} 6} 10} 19} 37, :HHH 27} ;; At the end, we get a sort of nested binary probability distribution ;; You could think of this as being a way to generate the triples by tossing strangely biased coins! ;; From that, we can generate our code tree directly by just throwing away the numbers (require 'clojure.walk) (defn make-code-tree [P] (clojure.walk/postwalk #(if (map? %) (into[] (map first %)) %) (nth (iterate huffman-combine P) (dec (dec (count P)))))) (def triple-code-tree (make-code-tree unfair-triples)) ;;[[[:HHT :HTH] [:THH [[:TTT :HTT] [:THT :TTH]]]] :HHH] ;; If we have the decoder, then we can use it to generate the coder! (defn symbols [prefix code-tree] (if (keyword? code-tree) (list prefix code-tree) (concat (symbols (cons 1 prefix) (first code-tree)) (symbols (cons 0 prefix) (second code-tree))))) (defn make-code [code-tree] (into {} (map (fn[[c s]][s (reverse c)]) (partition 2 (symbols '() code-tree))))) (def triple-code (make-code triple-code-tree)) ;; {:HHT (0 0 0), :HTH (0 0 1), :THH (0 1 0), :TTT (0 1 1 0 0), :HTT (0 1 1 0 1), :THT (0 1 1 1 0), :TTH (0 1 1 1 1), :HHH (1)} ;; Let's see how this does (estimate-cost unfair-triples (make-encoder triple-code) (make-decoder triple-code-tree)) ; 2.4615 ;; £2.46 per symbol, or 0.82p per toss ;; So while going from single tosses to pairs allowed us to go from 1->0.85, going from pairs to triples only allowed us to get from 0.85->0.82. ;; Is there an end to this process? (defn bit-rate [P n] (let [Pn (apply combine-distributions (repeat n P)) tree (make-code-tree Pn)] (/ (estimate-cost Pn (make-encoder (make-code tree)) (make-decoder tree)) n))) (bit-rate unfair-coin 1) ; 1.0 (bit-rate unfair-coin 2) ; 0.844435 (bit-rate unfair-coin 3) ; 0.82466 (bit-rate unfair-coin 4) ; 0.8196275 (bit-rate unfair-coin 5) ; 0.818912 (bit-rate unfair-coin 6) ; 0.81896996 (bit-rate unfair-coin 7) ; 0.8166514 (bit-rate unfair-coin 8) ; 0.815995 (bit-rate unfair-coin 9) ; 0.81352335 (bit-rate unfair-coin 10) ; 0.81462896 (bit-rate unfair-coin 11) ; 0.8137691 ;; To me, this is at least suggestive that there might be something fundamental ;; about a cost of 82p to transmit the result of a 3:1 random result over a ;; binary channel.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011
A Very Gentle Introduction to Information Theory: Huffman Coding
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