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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Clojure Macro Tutorial Part III: Syntax Quote ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Let's finally look at how we'd go about writing forloop the correct way, ;; using the built in syntax-quote method. ;; The problem is: ;; We want: '(forloop [i end] code) ;; to turn into: '(let [finish end] (loop [i 0] (when (< i finish) (print i) (recur (inc i))))) ;; First Step ;; Just cut and paste the desired code, and backquote it: ;; This gives us a function which will always return the same code. (defn forloop-fn-1 [] `(let [finish end] (loop [i 0] (when (< i finish) (print i) (recur (inc i)))))) ;; What does forloop-fn give us? (forloop-fn-1) ;;evaluates to: '(clojure.core/let [user/finish user/end] (clojure.core/loop [user/i 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< user/i user/finish) (clojure.core/print user/i) (recur (clojure.core/inc user/i))))) ;; This has done all the name resolution (the really ugly bit) for us! Otherwise it's just like quote. ;; But if we try evaluating this code, we'll get an error: ;; Can't let qualified name: user/finish ;; The problem is that user/finish isn't a thing that you can put in a let. ;; finish is the local variable in the expanded code that we wanted to use a ;; gensym for. user/finish is a namespaced variable, which can't be let. ;; So we use the auto-gensym feature: ;; We add # to all occurrences of finish, which tells the compiler to use a gensym here. (defn forloop-fn-2 [] `(let [finish# end] (loop [i 0] (when (< i finish#) (print i) (recur (inc i)))))) ;; Again we'll evaluate: (forloop-fn-2) ;; to get: '(clojure.core/let [finish__2254__auto__ user/end] (clojure.core/loop [user/i 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< user/i finish__2254__auto__) (clojure.core/print user/i) (recur (clojure.core/inc user/i))))) ;; So now all the occurrences of finish# have been replaced in the generated code with gensym values, ;; in this case finish__2254__auto__ ;; But this code still isn't executable. ;; This first problem with the code generated by forloop-fn-2 is that it expects a variable user/end to be defined. ;; But actually, end is one of the things that we want to vary in the generated ;; code. We'll make it an argument of the macro, and use the unquote operator ~ ;; to tell the function that whenever it sees ~end, it should replace it with ;; the argument. (defn forloop-fn-3 [end] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [i 0] (when (< i finish#) (print i) (recur (inc i)))))) ;; Now let's evaluate: (forloop-fn-3 10) ;; to get: '(clojure.core/let [finish__2276__auto__ 10] (clojure.core/loop [user/i 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< user/i finish__2276__auto__) (clojure.core/print user/i) (recur (clojure.core/inc user/i))))) ;; Looking good so far! If we try to evaluate this code, though, it objects to ;; the fact that user/i doesn't exist. We can fix that in the same manner as we ;; fixed the problem with end, because the loop variable is, again, one of the ;; things which we want to vary. (defn forloop-fn-4 [i end] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [~i 0] (when (< ~i finish#) (print ~i) (recur (inc ~i)))))) (forloop-fn-4 'j 10) ;; -> (clojure.core/let [finish__2298__auto__ 10] (clojure.core/loop [j 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< j finish__2298__auto__) (clojure.core/print j) (recur (clojure.core/inc j))))) ;; (Notice that we have to quote j, because forloop-4-fn is a function, so its ;; arguments get evaluated before it is called) ;; And this code is actually executable! Try evaluating it directly, or use eval ;; to evaluate the return value of the function: (eval (forloop-fn-4 'j 10)) ;; 0123456789nil (eval (forloop-fn-4 'different-loop-variable 15)) ;; 01234567891011121314nil ;; So we've got a function that will give us code that will print out different ;; length runs of numbers, using the loop variable of our choice. ;; Of course to make it useful, we've got to make the (print i) bit a variable as well. ;; We could use the unquoting mechanism here too: (defn forloop-fn-5 [i end code] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [~i 0] (when (< ~i finish#) ~code (recur (inc ~i)))))) ;;Evaluate: (forloop-fn-5 'i 10 '(print (* i i))) ;;To get: (clojure.core/let [finish__2335__auto__ 10] (clojure.core/loop [i 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< i finish__2335__auto__) (print (* i i)) (recur (clojure.core/inc i))))) ;; Evaluate that: (eval (forloop-fn-5 'i 10 '(print (* i i)))) ;; 0149162536496481nil ;; Can you not sense imminent success? ;; But in fact, forloop would be much more useful if we were allowed an ;; unlimited number of expressions in our loop code, So we make the function ;; accept a variable number of arguments. Because the 3rd, 4th, 5th etc ;; arguments are now made into the list "code", we need to use ~@, the ;; unquote-splicing operator to insert them without their outer brackets. (defn forloop-fn-6 [i end & code] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [~i 0] (when (< ~i finish#) ~@code (recur (inc ~i)))))) (eval (forloop-fn-6 'i 10 '(print i) '(print (* i i)))) ;;00112439416525636749864981nil ;; This would be make a perfectly good macro, but we remember that we wanted ;; (forloop [i 10] code) rather than (forloop i 10 code), so we use the ;; destructuring notation for the first two arguments: (defn forloop-fn-7 [[i end] & code] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [~i 0] (when (< ~i finish#) ~@code (recur (inc ~i)))))) (eval (forloop-fn-7 '[i 10] '(print i) '(print (* i i)))) ;;00112439416525636749864981nil ;; And finally, we change defn to defmacro, so that the compiler knows that when ;; it evaluates forloop-fn-7 it should pass in the arguments unevaluated, and ;; then treat the return value as code and compile it. ;; This allows us to dispense with the quotes on the arguments and the eval (defmacro forloop [[i end] & code] `(let [finish# ~end] (loop [~i 0] (when (< ~i finish#) ~@code (recur (inc ~i)))))) (forloop [i 10] (print i) (print (* i i))) ;;00112439416525636749864981nil ;; And we're done. ;; Let's look at the code our macro makes for us: (macroexpand-1 '(forloop [i 10] (print i) (print (* i i)))) (clojure.core/let [finish__2442__auto__ 10] (clojure.core/loop [i 0] (clojure.core/when (clojure.core/< i finish__2442__auto__) (print i) (print (* i i)) (recur (clojure.core/inc i))))) ;; All names resolved to the namespaces that they would have resolved to at the ;; time the macro was defined. ;; Gensyms done automatically, with readable silly names. ;; Bombproof, surprisingly straightforward to write, and the finished macro ;; looks awfully like the code it's trying to generate. ;; And that's how you really write a macro in clojure. Hacking it together by ;; hand is error prone for the reasons given above, and much harder.
That's a clear and nice explanation, thank you.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I thought I'd made a bit of a botch of it, to be honest.
ReplyDeleteI'm now trying to find a way of explaining this without having to wade through part II, since in fact you don't really need to know all that stuff to *use* syntax-quote, just to understand *why* it does what it does.
This is a great series on Clojure macros, syntax quote and the machinery behind the scenes- thank you for taking the time to write it. I especially appreciate your deconstructing of macros to a simple function(with quoted args)+syntax-quote+eval. It removes a lot of the mystery behind them, and great way to debug as you're developing a macro. I'll be using that approach in the future.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with your statement about getting rid of part II - it may take a little more time to wade through it but I think it provides some great background on syntax quote.
Keep on posting- there is some great stuff on your blog!
Superb! I completed your three part tutorial on macros (it was nerve-wrecking at the start!) and now I finally got to write my first (small but useful) macro.
ReplyDeleteHats off, John!
Thank you anonymous. It is this sort of feedback that keeps a chap blogging!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much, John. The three parts tutorial do not only give me great knowledge about Clojure's macros but also a great inspiration.
ReplyDeleteThanks! This was very helpful and clear.
ReplyDeleteExcellent introduction, thank you! It could be worth mentioning in part 1 the fact that x# and ~x get explained in part 3?
ReplyDeleteI touched clojure > 2 years ago, now i finally find a post on its macro system which is clear and beautiful. I LIKE it too much!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your contrib.
Good stuff. If you want to see how your hand coded version in Part II stacks up against the syntax-quote version in Part III, wrap the syntax-quoted expression into a string and send it off to read-string and pprint the results.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this tutorial, and I personally found the most important part the second with the gnarly deconstruction of exactly what syntax-quote is up to, and why.
ReplyDeleteProbably the best resource on macros I have seen.
Thanks again, it must have been a lot of work.
thanks, finally I've understood macros in clojure. I started to read Part I around half a year ago. Now I've finished part III :)