;;Sudoku solver ;;As direct a translation as I could make of Peter Norvig's famous python solver ;;Which is explained in detail at: ;;http://norvig.com/sudoku.html ;;Algorithm is constraint propagation coupled with depth-first search ;;Constraint propagation is performed by mutually recursive functions modifying state ;;So in clojure we need to put our strings in atoms. ;;I split the eliminate function into two (eliminate! and check!) to make it easier to read. (defn cross [A, B] (for [a A b B] (str a b))) (def rows "ABCDEFGHI") (def cols "123456789") (def digits "123456789") ;;the grid is divided into subsquares (def subsquaresize 3) (def rowgroups (partition subsquaresize rows)) (def colgroups (partition subsquaresize cols)) ;;When we encode the grids as strings we may use any of these characters to encode blank squares (def separators "0.-") ;;Squares are indexed by strings A1 -> I9 (def squares (cross rows cols)) ;;units are the groups into which squares are grouped: rows, columns and subsquares (def unitlist (map set (concat (for [c cols] (cross rows [c])) (for [r rows] (cross [r] cols)) (for [rs rowgroups cs colgroups] (cross rs cs))))) ;;helper functions for making maps and sets (defn dict [x] (apply sorted-map (apply concat x))) (defn set-union [x] (apply sorted-set (apply concat x))) ;;use clojure's every? like python's all (defn all? [coll] (every? identity coll)) ;;which units are associated with a given square? (def units (dict (for [s squares] [s (for [u unitlist :when (u s)] u)] ))) ;;which other squares are linked to a given square through its units? (def peers (dict (for [s squares] [s (disj (set-union (units s)) s)]))) ;;three mutually recursive functions to propagate constraints. All of them return false ;;if the constraints can not be satisfied. (declare assign! eliminate! check!) ;;filter only the significant characters from an input string (defn strip-grid [grid] (filter (set (concat digits separators)) grid)) ;;make a grid where every square can contain every digit (defn make-grid [] (dict (for [s squares] [s,(atom digits)]))) ;;turn a string representing a grid into a dictionary of possible values for each square (defn parse_grid [grid] (let [grid (strip-grid grid) values (make-grid)] (if (all? (for [[square digit] (zipmap squares grid) :when ((set digits) digit)] (assign! values square digit))) values false))) ;;assign a definite value to a square by eliminating all other values. (defn assign! [values square digit] (if (all? (for [d @(values square) :when (not (= d digit))] (eliminate! values square d))) values false)) ;;remove a potential choice from a square. If that leaves no values, then that's a fail ;;if it leaves only one value then we can also eliminate that value from its peers. ;;either way, perform checks to see whether we've left the eliminated value with only one place to go. (defn eliminate! [values s d] (if (not ((set @(values s)) d)) values ;;if it's already not there nothing to do (do (swap! (values s) #(. % replace (str d) "")) ;;remove it (if (= 0 (count @(values s))) ;;no possibilities left false ;;fail (if (= 1 (count @(values s))) ;; one possibility left (let [d2 (first @(values s))] (if (not (all? (for [s2 (peers s)] (eliminate! values s2 d2)))) false (check! values s d))) (check! values s d)))))) ;;check whether the elimination of a value from a square has caused contradiction or further assignment ;;possibilities (defn check! [values s d] (loop [u (units s)] ;;for each row, column, and block associated with square s (let [dplaces (for [s (first u) :when ((set @(values s)) d)] s)] ;;how many possible placings of d (if (= (count dplaces) 0) ;;if none then we've failed false (if (= (count dplaces) 1) ;;if only one, then that has to be the answer (if (not (assign! values (first dplaces) d)) ;;so we can assign it. false (if (not (empty? (rest u))) (recur (rest u)) values)) (if (not (empty? (rest u))) (recur (rest u)) values)))))) ;;the function to print out the board is the hardest thing to translate from python to clojure! (defn centre[s width] (let [pad (- width (count s)) lpad (int (/ pad 2)) rpad (- pad lpad)] (str (apply str (repeat lpad " ")) s (apply str (repeat rpad " "))))) (defn join [char seq] (apply str (interpose char seq))) (defmacro forjoin [sep [var seq] body] `(join ~sep (for [~var ~seq] ~body))) (defn board [values] (if (= values false) "no solution" (let [ width (+ 2 (apply max (for [s squares] (count @(values s))))) line (str \newline (join \+ (repeat subsquaresize (join \- (repeat subsquaresize (apply str (repeat width "-")))))) \newline)] (forjoin line [rg rowgroups] (forjoin "\n" [r rg] (forjoin "|" [cg colgroups] (forjoin " " [c cg] (centre @(values (str r c)) width)))))))) (defn print_board [values] (println (board values))) ;;We can't use Dr Norvig's trick of avoiding a deep copy by using strings. We have to copy the table ;;by recreating the atoms and copying their contents (defn deepcopy [values] (dict (for [k (keys values)] [k (atom @(values k))]))) ;;I've added a frill here where the search function keeps track of the search branches that it's following. ;;This means that we can print the branches out when debugging. (defn search ([values] (search values "")) ([values, recurse] (println "recursion: " recurse) (if values (if (all? (for [s squares] (= 1 (count @(values s))))) ;;if all squares determined values ;;triumph! (let [ pivot (second (first (sort ;;which square has fewest choices? (for [s squares :when (>(count @(values s)) 1)] [(count @(values s)),s]))))] (let [results (for [d @(values pivot)] ;;try all choices (do ;(print_board values) (search (assign! (deepcopy values) pivot d) (str recurse d))))] ;(format "%s->%s;" pivot d) (some identity results)))) ;;and if any of them come back solved, return solution false))) ;;here's a demo: (def hardestsudokuinworld " 850002400 720000009 004000000 000107002 305000900 040000000 000080070 017000000 000036040 ") (defn solve [grid] (do (println "\nproblem:") (println (join \newline (map #(apply str %) (partition 9 (filter (set (concat digits separators)) grid))))) (println "\nsolution:") (print_board (search (parse_grid grid))))) (solve hardestsudokuinworld) ;;Dr Norvig provides a couple of files of easy and difficult sudokus for demonstration purposes. ;;Here is some code to read them in and solve them (use 'clojure.contrib.str-utils) (use 'clojure.contrib.duck-streams) (def easy-sudokus (re-split #"\s*Grid\s.*\s*" (slurp "sudoku.txt"))) (def hard-sudokus (read-lines "sudoku_hard.txt")) (defn show-off [] (solve hardestsudokuinworld) (doall (map solve easy-sudokus)) (doall (map solve hard-sudokus))) ;; Lessons learned during translation process ;; Lazy evaluation and mutation really don't work together very well. ;; Solver appeared to work but seemed to take infinite time on 3rd sudoku ;; Actually it took several hundred thousand iterations, but got the right answer ;; run next to python program showed that python code was getting there in a couple of hundred ;; Realised that constraints were not being propagated properly ;; Added doalls to every for ;; Now program crashes because last values have been eliminated without returning false ;; Actually we need loops with early return, otherwise we keep eliminating things from already false branches ;; Now notice that the doalls are actually making things slower because any? would have short-circuited once anything was false. Get rid of them and get a 2x speedup. ;; now running at half the speed of python
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sudoku Solver
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