You may prefer to look at my earlier post first. This is a follow-up to that.
We've already seen that
((fn [a]
((fn [b]
(* a b))
(let [a 1
b 2]
(* a b))
The functional for loop
(for [a (range 5)
b (range a)]
(* a b))
Now the variables are being attached to members of sequences, and the earlier names can be used in the calculation of the later values. At the end, a sequence results.
If we didn't have for, what could we write to get the same effect? The obvious analogous answer:
(map (fn [a]
(map (fn [b]
(* a b))
(range a)))
(range 5))
doesn't quite work, because the results are nested. We actually need either:
(mapcat (fn [a]
(map (fn [b]
(* a b))
(range a)))
(range 5))
(mapcat (fn [a]
(mapcat (fn [b]
(list (* a b)))
(range a)))
(range 5))
to reproduce the same result as for.
There is obviously something I don't understand here, because I prefer the first version, but the second version is the monadic way. Let's use that and see whether there's a good reason later on.
Our new bind function is:
(defn s-bind [value function]
(mapcat function value))
and we'll call the other function unit
(defn s-unit [value]
(list value))
(s-bind (range 5) (fn [a]
(s-bind (range a) (fn [b]
(s-unit (* a b))))))
Because we've added the unit function, we need a faintly more complex macro than before:
(defmacro do-monad [[binder result] bindings expression]
(if (= 0 (count bindings))
`(~result ~expression)
`(~binder ~(second bindings) (fn[~(first bindings)]
(do-monad [~binder ~result] ~(drop 2 bindings) ~expression)))))
(do-monad [s-bind s-unit]
[a (range 5)
b (range a)]
(* a b))
With our new monad (the sequence monad), we've recreated the functional for loop
(for [a '(1 2 3)
b '(10 20 30)
c '(100 200 300)]
(+ a b c))
(do-monad [s-bind s-unit]
[end (range 6)
begin (range end)
second (range (inc begin) end)
third (range (inc second) end)]
(list begin second third end))
We're saying 'take all paths in':
Choose end from (all numbers from zero but less than six) Choose begin from (all numbers from zero but less than end) Choose second from (all numbers between begin and end) Choose third from (all numbers between second and end) give me the tuple (begin second third end)
We can instantly create another monad, using sets instead of lists
(defn set-bind [sequence function]
(set (mapcat function sequence)))
(defn set-unit [value]
(set (list value)))
(do-monad [set-bind set-unit]
[a '(1 2 3)
b '(1 2 3)
c '(1 2 3)]
(+ a b c))
Our earlier examples, the identity monad and the maybe monad, only seemed to have bind, but they fit into the monad framework if we take their unit function to be the identity function (fn [x] x)
Using the identity monad, or let, we can chain functions into arbitrary nets.
Using the maybe monad, we can chain arbitrary functions which take values but produce either values or nil.
Using the sequence monad, we can chain functions which take values and produce ordered lists of values into arbitrary computational nets.
Using the set monad we can chain functions which produce sets of values.
So monads are to do with chaining computations, and with naming intermediates
They are the abstract structure behind let and for, which are powerful concepts that we know and use all the time in all styles of programming.
Good explanation from concrete to abstract!